On 12 February 2016 you could have bought a barrel of Brent crude oil for around £19. Today it will cost you £33, an increase of 74%. The fact that these price rises are occurring across the industry may make you think that there is nothing you can do, except shop around for the best price! However, if you are considering only the price per roll or per tonne of your stretchwrap, you could be missing the point completely and paying over the odds to wrap your pallets.
Spending time trying to get the cheapest price per tonne from suppliers can sometimes save tens of pounds and sometimes nothing at all. The more astute buyer will ask Agritel to carry out a weighing trial which can save hundreds – if not thousands – of pounds!
We bring a selection of films to site and weigh the plastic applied to a representative pall of goods to help the customer choose the best wrap for their operation. We’ve carried out many weighing trials over the past 10 years and have consistently found that we can save customers money by implementing one or more of the following strategies:
Always apply the most cost-effective wrap: film that is thicker than it needs to be will do a good job but can cost up to 50% more than necessary. For example, switching from a 23mu to a 17mu standard-grade stretchwrap could save you 25%.
Try a high-performance film, made from the highest quality resins and pre-stretched during manufacture to produce a thin but strong film with good puncture resistance. They may cost more per roll but you get much more film for your money and apply less to each pallet—so you save more!
Consider using a pallet wrapper, especially if you’re wrapping lots of pallets. Machine stretchwrap costs less per kilo than hand wrap (because there are fewer steps in the manufacturing process) so even if the thickness of the film is identical it costs less to wrap by machine than by hand. If you’re wrapping sufficient pallets, the savings on stretchwrap will often cover the cost of the machine.
For more information on our pallet wrappers visit our website, or call us on 01691 671496.
John Duffus, Managing Director 23rd August 2016